Substance Abuse Therapy

What is substance abuse: Substance use disorder is an illness that can affect anyone: rich or poor, male or female, employed or unemployed, young or old, and any race or ethnicity.People develop a substance use disorder—use of alcohol or drugs that is compulsive or dangerous (or both).
Many different kinds of professionals provide treatment for substance use disorders. In most treatment programs, the main caregivers are specially trained individuals certified or licensed as substance abuse treatment counselors. Treatment for substance abuse can include dealing with trauma or other holistic treatment approaches.

Frequently asked questions

Is alcoholism and drug addiction a disease?
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction are a brain disease, and they can be a lot like a physical disease. And, like many physical diseases, some people are more likely than others to be affected.
How long will treatment take?
  • The recovery process is an individual journey and depends on the person.
What will help me stop?
  • Harm reduction techniques and increased self awareness of triggers will aid in the recovery process. 


Benefits of Substance Abuse Therapy

  •  Decreased of stopped usage of drugs and alcohol

  • Improved relationships with others

  • Improved coping skills